Monday, June 16, 2008

yeah... we think shes something else

yeah, ive learned a couple of things within the past couple of months. i feel myself changing. im growing up. im doing my own things... so i guess ill leave a little wisdom below to fill time and space
1. Red Wine is the best truth serum
2. A good man will listen to you ramble when you've had too much of previously listed yummy-ness
3. Corona and Red Wine dont mix!!
4. The same guy will sit next to you on the bed while you cry about everything you've ever worried your entire life... after you try mixing them~~
5. ~~and will stay up all night holding your hair as you lean over the toilet for the tenth time
6. dont tell your little brother something you dont want your parents to know
7. and when your parents leave a list of things for you to do when they leave for a week dont wait until the last day and get drunk the night before they come home
8. The most soothing sounds are a fan in the window and the crickets churping outside
9. mom and dad werent exactly morons
10. if you have to work the opening shift dont volunteer to close the night before

1 comment:

Ember said...

1. your parents know everything.
2. the friends you have arent the friends you'll keep.
3. when you tell one person something, you can bet your ass everyone else will know eventually.
4. dont leave your phone on the table at a party, random bitches will pick it up and text random people in your phone book.
5. there's nothing like the taste of a cigarette when you've been drinking...but dont give in, you'll be sick the next morning.
6. reading soothes the soul...when you have time, spend the day in bed with a book, you'll miss this time when you dont get to have it.
7. music will make you cry, laugh, spill your soul and reflect on all your shitty days.
8. merlot, captain and yengling will make you dance on countertops
9. being liberal is a trend, dont give in unless you really truly believe it in your heart.
10. ember franklin is a born listener, when you need something, call her up, i promise she'll listen for eternity.

and people say summer holds such wonderful things, psh. i havent seen anything wonderful!!!